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Child Behavior Guide Newsletter, Issue #15 Autism and Vaccinations: Are Immunizations the Cause?
September 18, 2011

September Newsletter 2011

School’s back in session, which I am sure many parents are happy about. However, I know it can also bring stress for parents whose children tend to have difficulties staying out of trouble at school or getting up in morning. So, I have included some great tips for helping children get up in the morning in this month’s newsletter.

Mr C continues doing very well and Little A has recently started crawling, which keeps us very busy. I am also happy to announce that we are expecting another addition to the family some time at the end of February. Mr C is very excited to have another sibling with his exact words being, "You mean we’re going to have two babies!! Then when they grow up I am going to have lots of friends!!"

What's New at The Child Behavior Guide? updates

I know that one of the biggest concerns among parents today is with the safety of vaccinations and whether these may be a trigger for autism in many children. Therefore, I have put together some pages discussing this topic which are full of multiple resources to help parents gather valuable information related to the subject of vaccines.
Autism and Vaccinations
Are Vaccines Causing Autism
Which Vaccines are Concerning?
MMR Vaccine and Autism
Autism Vaccines Debate
More on Immunizations and Autism
I am also having another photo contest for kids featuring pictures of kids and families in Halloween costumes. Be sure to check it out along with the last contest winners at free online photo contest.

Bonus Child Behavior Tip

Getting Ready for School

Getting up for school in the morning can be extremely difficult for some children. They may fight or become downright mean in the morning when parents attempt to wake them and get them ready. There are a few things that can help, but like anything they must be done consistently for a period of time to become successful.

If your child appears tired and unrested in the morning, consider an earlier bedtime. Looking to see how many hours of sleep are recommended by age would be a good place to start. This can be read on my page about sleep problems. Assisting your child in having a consistent bedtime each night is also very important.

Allowing older children to go to bed at different times each night can make it more difficult to fall asleep and may affect sleep quality. Either way I believe all children should be in bed no later than 10 p.m. during the week. This is because 10 p.m.-2 a.m. is when the body gets the most restorative sleep, so missing sleep during this time can affect how well rested a child is by morning.

• Use upbeat music to assist waking children up in the morning that comes from an alarm set across the room. This helps eliminate children from verbally attacking parents somewhat in the morning. Then if they do get up to shut it off, it will more difficult to fall back asleep.

• Avoid room darkening shades that prevent light from coming in to help wake children up in the morning. These are great for summer when the sun doesn’t go down until much later, but are not as necessary during the school year.

• Try to have favorable and nutritious breakfast options available to motivate children in the morning…. “I made you some yummy sausage and eggs for breakfast!” • Finally, try to get as much ready as possible the night before including lunches packed, clothes picked out and backpacks ready by the door. Then, you don’t have to have as much time to get them ready in the morning.

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